庫勒加最美安全障碍物 / The MGSB of Kulja 2016
库勒加,靠近边境的美丽城市。这里的风景被各式各样的安全障碍物有秩序的填放组合,与之相伴随之而来的是空间的改变,人群行为的改变,各种基础设施构成的公共空间都是具有共同集体记忆的场所,它们发挥功能的同时,在人们记忆里,这些设施的实用功能慢慢退后,成为符号。这些保障安全的物体无声地存在,而又严厉地以视觉的语言清晰表明了它其中蕴含的权力象征和叙事方式。他们像一座座为当下时刻而树立的临时纪念碑这些建筑元素已经连同令人生厌的刻板印象和坊间流言的模糊细节一道,成为了这里每一个居民的显著日常。那些关于库勒加的美丽风景,美味食物,美好人事的纪录片所遗漏的复杂现实,因为某些原因,具有不可讨论的性质。如同一位略带无奈的受访者所说:“相信一切会好起来的。” 眼前的这一切会过去,我期盼情况的好转同时也担心其被遗忘。广泛的记忆留存于书本之上,而那些个人的体验和记忆则如过眼云烟,销声匿迹了。而这些关于这个地方这些人群当下的心情,现实和记忆,城市的气氛,这四五年来这里的生活日常,他们的故事?不甚重要(irrelevant)?怎么不触怒红线而触及和记录某些瞬间,是我的出发点。
Kulja, the city on the border, one of the most distant points from any ocean,
In recent years, due to terrorist attacks against civilians and violent riots against government units, the cities and towns in Kulja are filled with different kinds of security barriers that manifest state power and national discourse silently and visually, They are like temporary monuments for the present. These architectural elements have become one of the most significant daily routines of every single resident in Kulja, along with the ugly stereotypes among ethnic groups and blurred details of killing stories.
I held a citywide competition called ‘the most gorgeous security barrier’, which based on a field survey. A selection of 20 barriers, seven days of investigation, 520 citizens of different ethnic groups took part in, and finally, a barrier was selected that would represent Kulja the best.